Scores on the Doors

Bradley House Care Home, Bradley Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN37 0AJ  T: 01472 878373   F:01472 277548

Download a Brochure. Bradley House Care Home 01472 878373 For all enquiries please call: Investors in People Home

Quality Scheme

Having conducted such a review, the programme is then the means to monitoring the situation, to ensure that the standard of service we provide is consistently maintained and improved.

Overview of our Quality Assurance Programme

The focus should be on providing the best quality of service possible to our clients, their families or significant others. This will help us achieve our mission:


What is Quality Assurance?

Quality Assurance is quite simply an organised way of standing back and:

It is easy to loose sight of what it is we are trying to achieve when we are busy with day to day demands and pressures. It is important for us to take stock and evaluate whether our performance is really in line with our objectives.